Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, Sunday....

Ah....what a wonderful way to end a good weekend.  Today we didn't do a whole heck of a lot.  Yesterday we went on Spoon River Drive, and did some shopping.....nothing too extravagant. We went to London Mills for some kettle korn, Farmington West, and Bernadotte.  We didn't even get out of the car at Bernadotte, because there were WAY too many people, and it looked like mostly a bunch of junk.  Then at Farmington West, we got some bread and butter pickles and sweet pickle relish.  The bread and butter pickles are AMAZING!!!!!  YUM!  We ran into Joe's aunt and uncle while we were there, and it was nice to get to see them (even if his aunt drives me nuts).  Then we made a run to Joe's step-dad's and spent a couple hours there with the twins, and the twins had a BLAST.  They rode on a 4-wheeler (Joe was with them) and Joe's step-dad took Lil Man for a ride on the tractor....which Lil Man LOVED.  It was awesome getting to see how Joe's step-dad was with the kids. <3  It was awesome.  He's going to be an awesome grandpa. :)

It's been a long day, though, that's for sure.  I didn't sleep very well last night (which isn't a surprise, because I haven't been sleeping well since about week 6 of this pregnancy, and I'll be 14 weeks on Tuesday).  I was awake every hour and a half to 2 hours last night, and it drove me NUTS.  I only actually got UP twice, which was a relief, but I just could not stay asleep for anything.  :(  It was really bad.  I think I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight (like within the next 15 minutes or so) and see if I can't get some better sleep tonight.  I'm just flat out TIRED, and not sleeping well isn't helping AT ALL. :(

Anyway, I am gonna scoot, and I'll try and update more tomorrow.....depending on how exciting my day gets! =P Although, we may be going to look at a new place tomorrow (we've been trying to get the hell out of this apartment for 2 months now).  We'll see what happens!

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