Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

If you'd have told me 5 years ago that I would have 2 beautiful kids and be celebrating Mother's Day with them, I would have laughed in your face.  I never would have imagined that this would be my life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I never would have thought that this could be me.

Being a mother to several angels is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.  There were many times that I wanted to just give up, and for a while, we did.  We took a break from trying, and just enjoyed being together.  Mother's Day during those years was horribly difficult.  Most of the time, I just ignored it other than calling my mom to wish her a happy one.  I avoided the cards and flowers and gifts like they were the plague.  I would make sure that I didn't pay attention to the commercials or movies that centered around Mother's Day, because I just couldn't handle it.

The last couple of years have been much easier, since Cookie was born and then Muscles came along.  I still have my times where I think about what could have been, what my angels would be like....but for the most part, I live in the moment and go with the flow.

Working with Miscarriage Matters had really made me feel like losing my angels meant something. It's given me a purpose, a drive, that I never knew I had in me.  It's becoming a huge part of me...and it's making me into a better person.  I love the team that I work with, and it's wonderful to be a part of something so amazing.

I suppose this is it for now...I have to light a fire under Hubby's butt to get him in the shower so that we can go to my parents for dinner. 

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