Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 weeks later..............

I am REALLY terrible about keeping up with this thing....and I'm not sure why.  Probably because I just don't think about it.  I have said multiple times that I need to get better about it, and I haven't yet.  I just haven't figured out how to juggle a baby (who is really almost a toddler), school, housework and looking for a job in an effective enough manner, and my grades are suffering for it. :( I'm trying to get a routine down, especially with baby #2 coming, and it just hasn't been working out in my favor.  And it seems like the harder I try, the harder I fail.

We did find out that baby #2 is going to be a boy. <3 I couldn't be happier.  Hubby is beyond thrilled, and everyone else in the family seems to be pretty stoked about another baby too.  My sister in law that lives in San Antonio is pregnant as well, though she's not due until October.  It's pretty exciting that we're going from 3 cousins to 5 in a matter of months.

Hubby and I have decided that this is going to be our last baby.  We only ever wanted 2 kids, so....I'll be getting my tubes tied after the baby comes.  I need to get some serious amounts of shopping done.....having a girl, we have nothing for a boy. lol.  I have bought some clothes for him, but 4 onsies isn't going to get the kiddo very far! :P  He has 1 towel, and 1 bib too....but there again, that's not going to get us very far......I'll be doing a heck of a lot of laundry.......

I'm hoping that here in a couple weeks we'll go shopping and start buying more clothes and such for him.  My mom has a bassinet/playpen thing that she's going to let us borrow.  I was just going to use the one we had for Ava, but it won't fit in our room very well, and the one she has is smaller and will be a better fit.  We got his carseat, I just need to clean it and wash the cover.  We got it used, which has me a tiny bit nervous, but we got a killer deal on it, so couldn't pass it up.  It just seems like time is going by so quickly, and I'm terrified that I won't be ready for his arrival.

Well, I suppose I should probably get some homework done before Hubby gets home from work.  I PROMISE, I'm going to try and get better about posting more consistently, and try to get a bigger reader base going.

Stay safe and be blessed my friends, until we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    I had a boy.
    Boys are easy.
    But, he will be HIGHER ACTIVITY then your girl.
    That's what I hear at least!

    Used carseat would have me nervous too.
    Spray it with Bed Bug Spray.
    Let it sit a couple of days in a tightly closed garbage bag.
    Take it out, and wash it again.
    Cover in HOT water.

    You can never be too careful with used stuff.

