So, it's been a while since I've written. Life has kind of gotten in the way, and I've just not taken a whole lot of time to sit down and put my thoughts into words.
Hubby and I got moved into our own place (FINALLY!!!!!!) and it's nice having our own space, and being able to do what we want, when we want without worrying about bothering Mom & Dad. We are not too terribly far from my parents, which is nice, because they are close if we need anything or if they need anything. It's nice being able to see them every day or not every day. Mom's had a hard time not having Ava there every day, but she's adjusting.
In other news, we found out 2 weeks ago that we are expecting #2. Lol. I have to laugh because it was a complete and total shock. I'm 18 weeks today, and we just had no idea at all. I had no symptoms, no signs at all other than my cycles weren't quite right. I have my first doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am feeling a little bit of movement, but nothing real consistent. When I had the pregnancy verified, the place I went offered a free sono, so I got to see Baby. I'm hoping on Thursday that we will get another glimpse of our little one, and they will be able to tell us whether or not it's a boy or girl. Mom seems to think that we're having another girl, Hubby's desperately hoping for a boy, and I'm good either way, just as long as the baby is healthy.
I am so eager to get to this appointment and figure out 100% for sure how far along I am, and HAVE a doctor so that if anything happens, I know who I can call. I know I will feel better knowing that I'm okay, and that Baby is okay, and that things are for sure fine, and they will be able to tell me all of that when I go in on Thursday. I'll make sure that I post an update, even if I don't think anyone reads this
So, anyway, this is about all I've got for's late, and I know Ava's going to be up early and I'm going to have to get up with her. This pregnancy is kicking my butt in the sleep department....I have a hard time falling asleep, and staying asleep. I can't get comfortable, and when I do, Hubby rolls over or something....or the cat jumps on the bed and scares me half to death. Lol.
Anyways, stay safe and be blessed my friends, until we meet again!
I'm glad all is well!!!!
In your own place, and a new baby coming.
What Fun and Exciting Adventures you will be having!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
What about school?
How is that going?