Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A new year, a new me..............

So, I realized that I haven't written a blog since June of last year........gosh have things changed in life since then.

Cookie is in pre-k, and doing AMAZING. I am SO incredibly proud of her.  She's so smart, and is just going to be a great student, I hope.

Muscles is coming into a difficult age.....or stage at least.  He's defiant, stubborn, and too much like his mama. LOL. But, it's all good, because he'll be starting school in the fall, which will hopefully help rein him in a bit.

Hubby is now working for Frito-Lay, which has been an amazing transition.  It's been difficult, yes, but it's all part of the learning curve, and things are shifting and moving along.

The biggest news, I suppose is that we moved from down by Houston to up by Dallas.  My parents moved up here in 2014, and after my dad had a stroke in September of '14, I told Hubby that I didn't want to live so far away anymore.  It's been tough, especially since we went from a 3 bedroom to a 2 bedroom.....that's literally less than 1/2 the size of our last place, but we're doing it.  It's difficult living in such a small space, but we're making it work for now.

Looking further down the road....I'm in the middle of my journey to getting weight loss surgery.  I shouldn't actually say the middle, it's more like the beginning, but I'm VERY excited.  I'm sick of being overweight, and I'm ready for the transition.  It's not going to be easy, and for our insurance I have to do a 6 month pre-op supervised diet.  I have my second meeting with the nutritionist coming up next Wednesday. I have given up soda all together, and am working on no more sweets. I stayed out of the Easter candy, so that was an awesome victory for me! Now to just adjust the rest of my eating habits.....but, one thing at a time.  I'll get there, and taking one thing at a time will help me be more successful.

This is all for now, I'm sick and tired, so I'm going to attempt to go to bed.

Love & light from me to you. <3

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